Compass Updates 12th February 2016

Updates to Compass since  the 9th February 2016

Over the past few days we have made a few changes to Compass and the support website on the back of the feedback you have been providing to us.

Updates to Compass –

  • County/Region(Scot)/Area and District Membership Directory report has been updated to resolve an issue with filtering columns.
  • Scout Active Support Manager role set up amended to enable members with this role to use the messaging features and export search results.

Further update – 3pm

  • Group Training report has been made available to those who hold the Group Scout Leader or Group Scout Leader (Acting Role).
  • Regional Training report has been made available to those who hold the Regional Commissioner Role.

New FAQs added based on your questions, feedback and reported issues –

A Member has left Scouting but they still have a disclosure request in Atlantic Data. What do I need to do?

When I add the role of Assessor to someone, why does the PLP which is added to their training page show two different versions of Module 25?

I am trying to grant a permit, but the Granting Commissioner I want to select isn’t showing as an option?

I have an assessor role on Compass, but it doesn’t give me access to make recommendations for permits.

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