Update from Alexis Cheshire

We’ve spoken a lot about testing throughout the development of Compass, but what are all these different types of testing? I’d like to outline the different types of testing that Compass will undertake, or is currently undertaking

Regression Testing
This is an assessment of all of the functionality of the system. It’s undertaken to ensure that fixing a problem in one place actually works and doesn’t create an issue elsewhere in the system. We are using this test to make sure that changes to the system have been positive changes and haven’t introduced any new problems of their own.

Field Testing
Field Testing allows volunteers to check and test Compass in their own environment. By using artificial information real users can trial and experiment with the system, to make sure everything is working.  It is a simulation of how the actual system will run to make sure it if purposeful and easy to use.

Load Testing
The method of putting user demand on the system and measuring its response. Similar to Field Testing this process mimics several users accessing Compass at one time. This is to evaluate its ability to work for multiple users at the same time.

Security (Penetration) Testing
Security Testing is designed to assess the quality and effectiveness of the controls put in place to protect the valuable and sensitive information held within Compass.  Expert security specialists are using a combination of manual and automated techniques to try to gain access to data they should not be able to see or edit.  This is a vital activity designed to ensure that the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data is maintained at all times.


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