Update from Alexis Cheshire

As I shared in my last update, we are using an Agile development approach to returning Compass back to you. This is progressing well.

We have now completed 3 ‘sprints’ in line with our plan and schedule. This week, we have a dedicated team of staff from across the association testing the fixes and functionality as part of the development process. These testers come from different areas of the organisation. Once we are sure we have this stage completed we plan a period of extensive and detailed testing by the wider volunteer team by adults undertaking all roles within the Movement. The details of this process are being planned and will be shared shortly. It is at this stage you will be able to test how the system functions and give us the detailed feedback we need to help Compass serve your needs going forward.

As is to be expected at this stage, some minor bugs have been identified and these details have been passed to our development partners for resolution in the next sprint. Each of the sprints is being tested for security by our specialist security partners and prior to go-live, we will be undertaking a full security test to ensure all possible issues have been resolved.

Can I also take this opportunity to thank you all for the feedback you have provided regarding the reporting portal delivered last month. Your input is greatly appreciated and all feedback is extremely welcome. We can see that it is being actively used by many of you in the field and we hope that it is delivering some level of support. We do still recognise that the data is not 100% accurate and we have been receiving a steady stream of requests for updates to the records. Please do keep the requests coming in to records.update@scouts.org.uk and for more information on using the reporting portal please see the userguide. Further reports are in development and will be made available as soon as possible.

Again, thank you for your feedback, support and continued offers to help, they are sincerely appreciated.

Disclosure Checking:
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you all that when you are verifying someone’s identity for a disclosure request, if you have taken any scan, photocopy or written record of an applicant’s identity details the identity checker must ensure that this information is immediately destroyed after use by secure means, i.e. by shredding, pulping or burning. Whilst awaiting destruction, it is vital that you keep this information secure.

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