15/06/2018 Update: Compass/Atlantic Data Synchronisation Issue

20/06/2018 Update: This issue has been resolved. A fix was successfully deployed on 19 June to ensure that data is automatically synced between Compass and Atlantic Data. Thank you for your patience whilst we worked to resolve this issue.


There have recently been some issues with the automatic synchronisation between Compass and Atlantic Data (see update from 11th June).

As an interim solution, we will be manually syncing the data between Compass and Atlantic Data each working day as of 15th June. Over the weekend, Disclosures can still be requested manually from Compass. All other data will then be updated as usual the next working day.

We will be continuing to investigate the situation closely to identify the root cause of the issue and develop an longer term fix. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you in advanced for your patience whilst we work to resolve this issue.

12/06/2018 Update: Compass/Atlantic Data Synchronisation Issue

20/06/2018 Update: This issue has been resolved. A fix was successfully deployed on 19 June to ensure that data is automatically synced between Compass and Atlantic Data. Thank you for your patience whilst we worked to resolve this issue.


There have recently been some issues with the automatic synchronisation between Compass and Atlantic Data (full details can be found on the update from 11th June).

As of 12th June 2018 all disclosure data has now been updated and is showing accurately on Compass. 

We will be continuing to monitor the situation closely to identify the root cause of the issue. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

01/06/2018: Compass/Atlantic Data Synchronisation Issue

20/06/2018 Update: This issue has been resolved. A fix was successfully deployed on 19 June to ensure that data is automatically synced between Compass and Atlantic Data. Thank you for your patience whilst we worked to resolve this issue.


We are currently working to resolve an issue with the synchronisation (sync) between Compass and Atlantic Data. The issue was escalated to our supplier as soon as we were notified on 1st June.

Disclosure Expiry and Suspension Emails

Due to the current issues with the update of disclosure statuses in Compass some members will be showing on Compass as having not submitted a disclosure application even though the application has been submitted correctly in Atlantic Data. The automated emails sent to Members, Line Managers, Appointments Secretaries and Commissioners are sent based on the disclosure status from Compass rather than Atlantic Data. Therefore, you may receive an email stating that a member has not submitted a disclosure when in fact they have submitted one on Atlantic Data but this has not been updated in Compass. Please ensure that you check the member’s application status in Atlantic Data before suspending the member for not having a valid disclosure.

What impact does this issue have?

What should happen Current situation What you can do
Once a disclosure has been issued and the National Vetting Process has been completed, Compass is updated to show the disclosure on the member’s profile.


This is still working as usual. Compass will show accurately whether or not a member has cleared the National Vetting Process.


Check Compass to see if the member has cleared the National Vetting Process.



When an application is in progress on Atlantic Data the status is usually updated in Compass as well. For example, when an application is submitted in Atlantic Data this is usually updated in Compass as well so that it shows on a member’s Compass profile that the application has been submitted.


Currently, the status of the application that is in progress is not being updated in Compass. The status shown on Atlantic Data is an accurate reflection of the current status of the application.




Check Atlantic Data for the most up to date status of an application that is still in progress, particularly if you have received an automated email to suspend a member.




Members with disclosures expiring within 30 days have a new disclosure automatically transferred to Atlantic data.


The disclosure will not automatically transfer to Atlantic Data. Disclosures can still be requested manually from Compass.


You can still request a disclosure on Compass manually if one has not already been requested.


If a member requests a new disclosure application from Compass but does not manage to login to Atlantic Data first time they will not be able to find the application in Atlantic Data. Usually these unsuccessful applications are automatically transferred to Atlantic Data the next day.


These unsuccessful applications will not automatically be transferred to Atlantic Data. Please ensure that you are able to login to Atlantic Data before requesting an application from Compass to ensure that you are able to login first time.



Check that you are able to login to Atlantic Data before you request a disclosure from Compass to ensure that you are able to login first time.




Any current members that have a new role added to Compass that are able to process disclosures on Atlantic Data are usually sent their login details to Atlantic Data the day after their role becomes full.


Members with new roles added to their record since 31st May will not receive login details to Atlantic Data and therefore will not be able to process other member’s disclosures. Existing members with login details for Atlantic Data will still be able to process disclosures. Existing members that have login details for Atlantic Data will need to process applications until this is resolved.




We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you in advanced for your patience whilst we work to resolve this issue.



Updates to Compass and Atlantic Data

Updates to Compass and Atlantic Data

We have made a few changes to Compass on the back of the feedback you have been providing to us.

In Compass we have made the following changes:

  • A new training module has been added in order to record learner’s completion of the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) training module. Guidance on how to add this module to a member’s training record can be found in the userguide: Adding a Module for a Single Member
  • All adult awards issued up to and including January 2018 are now shown on members’ records
  • The approvals for the Scout Active Support Member role have been updated to remove the requirement for Commissioner Approval in order to align with POR
  • The reports that are available to the Deputy Training Manager roles have been updated to give them access to the Training Report
  • A bug has been fixed that was causing an error message to be shown for some members when they tried to update their personal details or communication preferences
  • A update has been made to allow Training Advisers to fill in the PLP agreed date for their learners’ Personal Learning Plans

The following FAQs have been added to the Compass Support Site:

For further support and advice with regards to these changes please contact The Scout Information Centre.